Help Your Employees Successfully Transition to Medicare

  • Trusted Medicare compliance resource for HR
  • Maximize health savings through unbiased Medicare guidance
  • Complete your benefits cycle for older employees and working caregivers

What we offer

Avoid Life-Long Penalties and Get the Right Medicare Advice

If Medicare was not complicated enough, making the wrong decisions can result in permanent penalties, being locked out of robust coverage, and can have severe consequences for you and your company.

Key issues facing executives and their aging workforce regarding Medicare:

  1. Selecting employer coverage versus Medicare coverage

  2. Issues with COBRA as secondary coverage

  3. High-income Medicare surcharges and proper planning to avoid penalties


 Service Overview

Our Medicare Planning Platform Is Simple to Implement

Medicare Education

Live and on-demand Medicare education to help address the Medicare knowledge gap

Individual Guidance

A team of advocates to help provide handholding through the entire process

HR Support

Helping your HR team be Medicare Superstars by avoiding compliance issues, identifying savings, and saving time

What we offer

Win-Win Savings on Employee Health Benefits

With 1 in 4 Americans working past 65, it has never been more important for organizations to understand the right strategies to successfully help their aging workforce navigate the maze of Medicare. Employees 65+ incur over 2X the healthcare costs versus ages 45–54.

With rising healthcare costs, implementing Medicare education to your aging employees could save over $15000 per employee in cases where Medicare is a better choice for them.

Providing MedicareCheckup ensures a smooth send-off, reduced workload on human resources, and compliance with complex Medicare rules and regulations.

Case Study

How Are You Providing Proper Guidance to Your Aging Workforce?

The process of transitioning from employer coverage to Medicare is complicated. Despite an overwhelming amount of information, most individuals are confused about when to enroll in Medicare.

With healthcare as the number one concern for retiring Americans, many older employees are hanging on to their employer's health insurance (and delaying retirement) simply out of fear. This also adds significant stress to employees who are caregivers for older parents facing the same dilemma.

If this sounds like employees in your company, what you and your team need is a dedicated team of experts to be able to provide concise guidance to your employees. We understand that Medicare is a very small portion of what HR faces every day and there’s no need to have in-house experts. However, having the right information when you need it can make you a superstar (especially if your boss or mother-in-law is retiring!).

Watch this case study video on how we helped a 5000-person company save $1.3M on healthcare costs by providing Medicare education to their employees

unparalleled medicare expertise

Trusted by 100+ Employer Partners and 6,000+ Clients

Help Your Employees and Their Loved Ones With a Hassle-Free Transition to Medicare.